Welcome to Wagging Tails Pet Therapy

At Wagging Tails Pet Therapy, we specialise in providing stress and anxiety relief through the healing power of pets. Located in Eastbourne, our unique therapy sessions are designed to bring joy, comfort, and a sense of calm to those in need. Whether you're experiencing daily stress or chronic anxiety, or just want to give a little love, our friendly therapy pets are here to help you find peace and happiness.


Group Pet Therapy Workshops

Interactive group workshops offering collective healing through pet companionship and social bonding.

More Therapy dogs can be used in group sessions such as schools/counselling /residential care or workplaces. In the school setting therapy dogs can be used in two programs; care and nurturing or read to dog scheme. In the care and nurturing scheme, a group of children can cuddle and stroke our dogs and learn how to care for the pet and be gentle. it encourages the child to be caring and to share and to develop patience. Many children have never had the experience of owning a pet. sometimes a child in the group may be quiet or withdrawn by bringing in the pet it can give the children a common denominator and encourage them to chat to each other about the dog thus building confidence. The read to scheme comprise of the child either individually or in a group reading to the therapy dog. children can often be daunted by reading to adults they maybe shy or have difficulty reading but they find reading to the dog a fun exercise, building confidence. In counselling sessions, a therapy dog can be useful.  Therapy dogs can help the clients to reduce stress levels during counselling session allowing them to maintain a healthy mood whilst talking about potentially upsetting emotions. Therapy dogs can help a client to have better understand of trust, touch and self-respect. A client can explore this in a non-judgemental way with a dog, this is useful for a client who has experienced abuse. Having a dog present during counselling sessions can help clients with emotional or behavioural problems to explore thoughts and feelings that are difficult to talk about. It has been proved that therapy dogs are very beneficial to people (elderly or young) suffering from problems such as Asperger’s / Autism / site impediments / physical and mental disabilities. Anyone who owns a dog or cat will know the benefits a therapy pet can bring to a care setting. we can bring our therapy pet into your care setting to visit your residents individually or in a group setting. often our pets join in a coffee morning or residents relaxing in the day room. Pets therapy can improve mental health and unlock memories of cats or dogs that had been part of resident’s lives in the past, in the past resident have been spurred onto do activities such as knitting blankets or coats for our therapy dogs. Therapy pets can bring much joy and laughter, encouraging chatting and interaction with other residents that might have felt isolated and lonely. we often see resident come alive when they see the therapy pet arriving and this is pure joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pet therapy?

Pet therapy involves the use of trained animals to provide emotional support and relieve stress and anxiety in individuals.

How can pet therapy help me?

Pet therapy can help reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and happiness through interaction with therapy animals.

Can pet therapy be done in groups?

Yes, pet therapy can be done in groups through our workshops, allowing participants to experience collective healing and emotional support.

“The pet therapy sessions have been life-changing for me. The calming presence of the animals has significantly reduced my stress levels and brought immense joy into my daily routine.”


Contact us

Reach out to us for stress and anxiety relief through our tailored pet therapy services in Eastbourne.


wagging tails pet therapy

About us

Wagging Tails Pet Therapy is committed to improving mental health and wellbeing through the unique benefits of pet therapy. Based in Eastbourne, we offer a range of services designed to alleviate stress and anxiety for individuals, groups, and corporate clients. Our team is passionate about the healing power of animals and dedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment for all our clients. With years of experience and a deep love for our therapy pets, we strive to provide a memorable and impactful experience for everyone who walks through our doors. Our mission is to bring comfort, joy, and peace to those in need, promoting a healthier and happier community through the transformative power of pet therapy.